WCA has several clubs and extracurricular activities for students of all ages.
Student Council - primary and secondary grades
Worship Team - secondary students practice and play praise music together, for WCA chapels and events as well as around the community.
Chess Club - chess master Mr. Douthat teaches secondary students chess strategy.
Youth Alive - secondary students, having fun and learning how to share Jesus to all!
Speech Meet - primary through junior high students learn best techniques for writing and presenting informative speeches.
Student Council - primary and secondary grades
Worship Team - secondary students practice and play praise music together, for WCA chapels and events as well as around the community.
Chess Club - chess master Mr. Douthat teaches secondary students chess strategy.
Youth Alive - secondary students, having fun and learning how to share Jesus to all!
Speech Meet - primary through junior high students learn best techniques for writing and presenting informative speeches.