Dress Code, WCA Secondary
Please note dress code changes for the 23-24 school year: (for a downloadable "cheat sheet" please click here)
The Bible commands the Christian to “do all to the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31). In today’s society, this command has special reference to the fact that God may be honored or dishonored by our personal dress and grooming. In dress, as well as doctrine, the Christian is to “test all things, hold fast to what is good, abstain from every form of evil” (I Thessalonians 5:21- 22). The Christian is to have a regard for things that are “pure...of good report...of virtue...and praise” (Philippians 4:8).
WCA has chosen to follow and create an atmosphere to encourage the high Christian standards of conduct and appearance. WCA believes that these commands have a practical application to the students’ dress and grooming. Outward appearance is a significant way in which we reflect our inward character. WCA has always been in favor of tasteful, contemporary dress. In all areas of appearance pertaining to clothes, hair styles, and makeup, students should look neat, natural, with emphasis on cleanliness and modesty. For these reasons, WCA students will wear approved uniforms. While not exhaustive, the following guidelines are intended to provide guidance for appropriate attire to all at school and school-sponsored functions.
If a student arrives at school dressed in violation of this dress code, or a student outgrows his/her approved uniform making it too short or tight, the student’s parent(s) will be called to bring a change of clothes for the student to change into.
Please see personalized websites at Land’s End, or Creations in Thread for specific details, or contact the WCA office.
Gentlemen: Long dress/uniform pants or shorts in solid navy blue or gray. Shorts must be Bermuda-length, golf-style (no more than 5 inches above the knee). No jogger-style or cargo shorts/pants.
Ladies: Long dress/uniform pants in solid navy blue or gray. No jogger-style or cargo pants. Skirts in solid navy blue, gray, or plaid. Plaid print must be the designated colors and pattern available from Lands’ End*. Skirt length may be no more than 5 inches above the knee; skirts may not be form fitting. Tights, knee socks, or leggings in solid navy blue, white, black, or gray may be worn with skirts.
Button-down collar dress shirt in white, light blue, or French blue (light blue and French blue available from Lands’ End only*), long or short sleeves, with or without WCA approved logo.
Polo shirts in solid Carolina blue, navy blue, or white, with or without WCA approved logo*. Long or short sleeves. No visible logos or brand names.
T-shirts, long or short sleeves, in solid white, navy blue, gray, or black may be worn under shirts.
Closed-toe, dress shoes or sneakers, may be low or hi-tops. No booties or boots.
Navy blue, black, gray, tan, or white. May be solid color or have any combination of these colors only. Shoelaces must be navy, black, gray, tan, or white. No other colors on shoes or laces are acceptable.
Socks should be solid color white, black, navy, or gray; socks should be ankle or quarter length or shorter when worn with shorts.
Outerwear in the Classroom
Sweaters, WCA sweatshirts, zippered sweatshirts, and hoodies in solid navy blue or gray only are allowed in the classroom, with or without a WCA crest. Hoods must be worn down when in the classroom.
No visible logos, brand names, or other markings or images.
Hair and Makeup
Hair should be neat, clean, well-groomed and not covering eyes.
No unnatural hair colors.
Ladies may wear minimal makeup that maintains a natural look.
Gentlemen are not permitted to wear makeup.
Jewelry and Accessories
Gentlemen are not allowed to wear earrings.
Ladies may wear earrings. No more than one (1) earring per ear is permitted.
Other body piercings or visible tattoos are not permitted.
Watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces are permitted but are not the responsibility of the school if they are lost, stolen, or broken.
Jewelry or accessories that are a distraction or spell out inappropriate things are not permitted.
Hats are only permitted outdoors and cannot display any offensive language/logos.
Perfumes and Fragrances
Use of perfumes, colognes, scented lotions, and any other fragrances are not permitted.
Note: WCA reserves the right to make the final decision in regard to dress.
Friday Casual Dress Day
Jeans in good repair, with a polo shirt, T-shirt with no slogans or images, or button down dress shirts; dress blouses with modest necklines, may be sleeveless (may not be racer-back) as long as undergarments are not visible during regular activity. Closed-toe shoes will be worn, no sandals or flip-flops. Modesty matters. Hats and hoods may not be worn indoors.
Physical Education (JH only)
Students should wear navy blue gym shorts, at least fingertip length, and loose-fitting solid grey T-shirt with or without WCA Crest. Items are available through uniform vendor. 2 sets of PE clothes are recommended. Athletic shoes or closed-toe shoes are mandatory for P.E.
Special Occasions
For special events where students are required to “dress-up,” the following guidelines will be followed:
Dresses, skirts and blouses, dress pants and shirts may be worn.
The back of the dress, blouse, or shirt may not fall below a standard bra line.
The dress, blouse, or shirt should not expose excessive cleavage or the midriff. Lace, netting, tulle, or other transparent materials are not
acceptable to cover these areas.
The length of the dress or skirt, or a slit in the dress or skirt, may be no more than 5 inches above the knee. Sheer or lace overlays do not count
toward length.
Exceptionally tight-fitting dresses or skirts are unacceptable.
Dress pants and dress shirt, with or without sports jacket; dress suit, or tuxedo may be worn.
Shirts should be tucked in pants.
Neck or bow ties are optional.
No sandals, “Crocs,” or flip flops.
The Bible commands the Christian to “do all to the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31). In today’s society, this command has special reference to the fact that God may be honored or dishonored by our personal dress and grooming. In dress, as well as doctrine, the Christian is to “test all things, hold fast to what is good, abstain from every form of evil” (I Thessalonians 5:21- 22). The Christian is to have a regard for things that are “pure...of good report...of virtue...and praise” (Philippians 4:8).
WCA has chosen to follow and create an atmosphere to encourage the high Christian standards of conduct and appearance. WCA believes that these commands have a practical application to the students’ dress and grooming. Outward appearance is a significant way in which we reflect our inward character. WCA has always been in favor of tasteful, contemporary dress. In all areas of appearance pertaining to clothes, hair styles, and makeup, students should look neat, natural, with emphasis on cleanliness and modesty. For these reasons, WCA students will wear approved uniforms. While not exhaustive, the following guidelines are intended to provide guidance for appropriate attire to all at school and school-sponsored functions.
If a student arrives at school dressed in violation of this dress code, or a student outgrows his/her approved uniform making it too short or tight, the student’s parent(s) will be called to bring a change of clothes for the student to change into.
Please see personalized websites at Land’s End, or Creations in Thread for specific details, or contact the WCA office.
Gentlemen: Long dress/uniform pants or shorts in solid navy blue or gray. Shorts must be Bermuda-length, golf-style (no more than 5 inches above the knee). No jogger-style or cargo shorts/pants.
Ladies: Long dress/uniform pants in solid navy blue or gray. No jogger-style or cargo pants. Skirts in solid navy blue, gray, or plaid. Plaid print must be the designated colors and pattern available from Lands’ End*. Skirt length may be no more than 5 inches above the knee; skirts may not be form fitting. Tights, knee socks, or leggings in solid navy blue, white, black, or gray may be worn with skirts.
Button-down collar dress shirt in white, light blue, or French blue (light blue and French blue available from Lands’ End only*), long or short sleeves, with or without WCA approved logo.
Polo shirts in solid Carolina blue, navy blue, or white, with or without WCA approved logo*. Long or short sleeves. No visible logos or brand names.
T-shirts, long or short sleeves, in solid white, navy blue, gray, or black may be worn under shirts.
Closed-toe, dress shoes or sneakers, may be low or hi-tops. No booties or boots.
Navy blue, black, gray, tan, or white. May be solid color or have any combination of these colors only. Shoelaces must be navy, black, gray, tan, or white. No other colors on shoes or laces are acceptable.
Socks should be solid color white, black, navy, or gray; socks should be ankle or quarter length or shorter when worn with shorts.
Outerwear in the Classroom
Sweaters, WCA sweatshirts, zippered sweatshirts, and hoodies in solid navy blue or gray only are allowed in the classroom, with or without a WCA crest. Hoods must be worn down when in the classroom.
No visible logos, brand names, or other markings or images.
Hair and Makeup
Hair should be neat, clean, well-groomed and not covering eyes.
No unnatural hair colors.
Ladies may wear minimal makeup that maintains a natural look.
Gentlemen are not permitted to wear makeup.
Jewelry and Accessories
Gentlemen are not allowed to wear earrings.
Ladies may wear earrings. No more than one (1) earring per ear is permitted.
Other body piercings or visible tattoos are not permitted.
Watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces are permitted but are not the responsibility of the school if they are lost, stolen, or broken.
Jewelry or accessories that are a distraction or spell out inappropriate things are not permitted.
Hats are only permitted outdoors and cannot display any offensive language/logos.
Perfumes and Fragrances
Use of perfumes, colognes, scented lotions, and any other fragrances are not permitted.
Note: WCA reserves the right to make the final decision in regard to dress.
Friday Casual Dress Day
Jeans in good repair, with a polo shirt, T-shirt with no slogans or images, or button down dress shirts; dress blouses with modest necklines, may be sleeveless (may not be racer-back) as long as undergarments are not visible during regular activity. Closed-toe shoes will be worn, no sandals or flip-flops. Modesty matters. Hats and hoods may not be worn indoors.
Physical Education (JH only)
Students should wear navy blue gym shorts, at least fingertip length, and loose-fitting solid grey T-shirt with or without WCA Crest. Items are available through uniform vendor. 2 sets of PE clothes are recommended. Athletic shoes or closed-toe shoes are mandatory for P.E.
Special Occasions
For special events where students are required to “dress-up,” the following guidelines will be followed:
Dresses, skirts and blouses, dress pants and shirts may be worn.
The back of the dress, blouse, or shirt may not fall below a standard bra line.
The dress, blouse, or shirt should not expose excessive cleavage or the midriff. Lace, netting, tulle, or other transparent materials are not
acceptable to cover these areas.
The length of the dress or skirt, or a slit in the dress or skirt, may be no more than 5 inches above the knee. Sheer or lace overlays do not count
toward length.
Exceptionally tight-fitting dresses or skirts are unacceptable.
Dress pants and dress shirt, with or without sports jacket; dress suit, or tuxedo may be worn.
Shirts should be tucked in pants.
Neck or bow ties are optional.
No sandals, “Crocs,” or flip flops.